Performance Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘O’Fallon’

Why Upgrade to Water-Efficient Fixtures in Commercial Buildings

Monday, July 15th, 2024

In today’s world, sustainability is more than a buzzword; it’s a vital component of responsible business operations. Commercial property owners can significantly contribute to sustainability by upgrading to water-efficient commercial plumbing fixtures in O’Fallon, MO. 

Traditional plumbing fixtures in commercial buildings often lead to excessive water use, resulting in higher utility bills and a larger environmental footprint. This blog will explore why upgrading to water-efficient fixtures is a wise choice for commercial properties, emphasizing the environmental, financial, property value, system performance, and health benefits.

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What Is a Plumbing Stack in Residential Plumbing?

Monday, March 25th, 2024

In the intricate network of a residential plumbing system, the plumbing stack stands as a vital component, often unseen but essential for the smooth functioning of the entire system. Understanding what a plumbing stack is and its role in your home’s plumbing can help you identify issues early and ensure efficient operation.

A plumbing stack, also known as a plumbing vent or drain stack, is a vertical pipe that extends from the main drainage system of a building to the roof. It serves as a conduit for wastewater and sewage to flow out of the building and into the municipal sewer system or septic tank.

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This is How Much Water a Broken Outdoor Faucet Costs You

Monday, February 12th, 2024

The gentle drip of an outdoor faucet may seem innocuous, but the consequences of neglecting this seemingly minor issue can be significant. In this blog post, we delve into the often-overlooked menace of a broken outdoor faucet, exploring the financial implications and environmental impact of water wastage. 

From soaring water bills to potential property damage, understanding the true cost of a malfunctioning outdoor faucet is crucial for homeowners. If you need outdoor faucet repair in O’Fallon, MO, be sure to contact us promptly for a quick repair that’ll take care of the problem the first time. 

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Avoid These Plumbing Pitfalls when Remodeling a Bathroom

Monday, December 18th, 2023

Embarking on a bathroom remodeling project in O’Fallon, MO, can be an exciting adventure that promises a fresh and rejuvenated space in your home. Amidst the anticipation of choosing stylish tiles and modern fixtures, it’s important not to overlook the hidden aspects of your bathroom. A big one to consider is the plumbing.

Neglecting the intricacies of your plumbing system can turn your dream bathroom into a nightmare. Let’s look into some common plumbing pitfalls and how to steer clear of them so that you can see to it that you have a smooth and leak-free bathroom renovation.

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Commercial Grease Trap Installation: What’s Involved

Monday, November 6th, 2023

When it comes to the bustling world of restaurants, cafés and commercial kitchens, grease traps are working behind the scenes. They are an important component in the smooth operation of these culinary spaces.

A grease trap prevents the culinary aftermath from wreaking havoc on plumbing and the environment. Let’s talk about grease trap installation in O’Fallon, MO, and the nitty-gritty details of these commercial marvels.

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4 Reasons to Update Your Plumbing When You Remodel

Monday, September 25th, 2023

When you think about plumbing remodeling in O’Fallon, MO, perhaps images of stylish interiors, innovative layouts, and luxurious finishes may come to mind. While these are undoubtedly important aspects of the process there’s another unsung factor beneath the surface. Your plumbing system.

Often hidden from view, it might not grab your attention until something goes wrong. Yet it plays an integral role in your home’s functionality, efficiency, and even its value. Let’s take a look into the overlooked world of plumbing updates during a home remodel. We’ll explore four compelling reasons why you should consider modernizing your plumbing system while you’re already knee-deep in the renovation process. 

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Common Causes of Outdoor Water Faucet Leaks

Monday, August 14th, 2023

Outdoor water faucets play an important role in providing water for various outdoor activities, such as watering the garden, washing the car, or filling a pool. Over time, these faucets can develop leaks that not only waste water but also lead to increased water bills and potential damage to your property. If your water bill has gone up for seemingly no reason, it might be time for outdoor faucet repair in O’Fallon, MO. These are some of the common reasons why your faucets might be leaking.

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3 Reasons Your Toilet Might Be Flushing Slowly and What to Do

Monday, June 19th, 2023

The importance of a toilet that flushes properly cannot be understated until you find yourself in a situation where you’re running late for work one Monday morning and the clog won’t go down. A slow-flushing toilet can be disruptive yet may indicate a more serious matter. Several factors can contribute to this issue, ranging from simple clogs to more significant plumbing problems. Let’s take a look at some of the most common culprits behind a toilet that won’t flush properly.

Partial Clogs

One of the most common causes of a slow-flushing toilet is a partial clog in the drainpipe. Over time, debris, toilet paper, and even foreign objects can accumulate in the pipes, restricting the flow of water. When you flush, the water struggles to pass through the blockage, resulting in a slow or incomplete flush. 

To address this issue, try using a plunger to dislodge the clog. Apply firm, repetitive plunging motions to create suction and dislodge the obstruction. If the clog persists, consider using a plumbing snake or auger to reach deeper into the pipes and remove the blockage.

Low Water Level in the Tank

A second reason for a slow-flushing toilet is a low water level in the tank. The water level should typically be adjusted to reach the fill line marked inside the tank. If the water level is too low, there won’t be enough water for a strong flush.

To fix this, check the water supply valve near the base of the toilet and ensure it is fully open. You can also adjust the float valve or the fill valve to increase the water level in the tank. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional assistance if needed.

Faulty Flapper or Flush Valve

A malfunctioning flapper or flush valve can also lead to a slow-flushing toilet. The flapper is responsible for releasing water from the tank into the bowl during flushing, while the flush valve controls the flow of water from the tank. If either of these components is worn out or damaged, they may not open fully, impeding the flush. 

Inspect the flapper and flush valve for signs of wear, cracks, or misalignment. If necessary, replace these parts with compatible replacements, readily available at hardware stores. It is also advisable to clean any mineral deposits or debris that may be affecting their functionality.

Dealing with a slow-flushing toilet in O’Fallon, MO, can be bothersome, but understanding the reasons behind the issue can help you address it effectively. Remember, partial clogs are a common culprit, so use a plunger or plumbing snake to remove any obstructions. Additionally, check the water level in the tank and adjust it as necessary to ensure a sufficient amount for a proper flush. Lastly, inspect and replace any faulty flappers or flush valves that may be impeding the flushing process. 

If these troubleshooting steps do not resolve the problem, seek professional Performance Plumbing assistance to diagnose and fix any underlying plumbing issues!

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Why You Need a Professional to Install Your Laundry Room Water Line

Monday, May 8th, 2023

Whether you’re adding on to your home or just replacing your laundry room water line, it’s not a DIY type of installation. Laundry lines in O’fallon, MO need to be installed by professionals, so let’s walk you through why that is.

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Planning Ahead: The Best Budgeting Tip for Your Kitchen Remodel

Monday, March 27th, 2023

Kitchen remodeling in O’Fallon, MO comes with its own unique challenges, but there’s one challenge that every kitchen remodel faces: budget. It’s not easy to put every aspect of a kitchen remodel into a perfect budget scope with a neat and tidy bow on top.

It’s the opposite–things get messy during remodel budgeting, so we’ve decided to share some of the best secrets to budgeting your next remodel. It’s time to stop stressing about it by implementing these tips.

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