Performance Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Water Heater Efficiency’

How You Can Boost Water Heater Efficiency

Monday, December 21st, 2020

water-coming-out-of-faucet-creating-steamThese days, with homeowners spending a lot more time in their living spaces than ever before, it’s easy to understand why home comfort has become a bit of a buzzword. Home comfort means a lot of things—having the right HVAC systems in place, addressing any indoor air quality issues you might have, and maintaining your plumbing system. A big part of that plumbing system? Your water heater!

Water heaters are one of the unsung heroes of any home. They’re an appliance we use every day and yet you likely take it for granted. Due to this, you may actually be using your water heater inefficiently, and paying more than you should have to in order to use it. The good news is, there are ways to boost your water heater efficiency. Read on as we uncover some of them!

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